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We meet digital accessibility

Declaration of the accessibility

The Jagiellonian University shall make its website accessible under the provisions of the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The declaration of accessibility applies to the Dorada website..

  • Website publication date::
  • Date of the most recent important update:

Status of compliance with the law

The website is compliant with the Act on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities.

Preparation of the declaration of accessibility

  • Declaration was prepared on:
  • Declaration was reviewed and updated on:

The declaration was prepared on the basis of self-evaluation.

Feedback and contact information

  • Person responsible for reviewing requests and complaints: Marta Bylica.
  • E-mail:
  • Telephone no: 12 663 43 55

Everyone has a right to:

  • file a complaint concerning the digital accessibility of the webpage or its element,
  • submit a request concerning the digital accessibility of the webpage or its element,
  • request that inaccessible information be made accessible in an alternative form.

A request must contain:

  • contact data of the requesting person,
  • indication of the page or its element to which the request applies,
  • indication of the right form of making information accessible if the request applies to the accessibility of information in an alternative form.

A request should be reviewed promptly, not later than within 7 days. If information cannot be made accessible or provided in an alternative form within this period of time, it should be made accessible not later than within 2 months from the date of the request.

If a public entity refuses to comply with the request concerning the accessibility of information or the accessibility of an alternative form of information, the requesting person may file a complaint concerning the digital accessibility of the website, the mobile application, an element of the website or an element of the mobile application. Should the above procedure prove ineffective, the request can be submitted to the Ombudsman. .

Architectural accessibility

Al. Mickiewicza 9A

1. The building has 4 entries, including one adjusted to the needs of persons moving in wheelchairs (main entry).
2. Vertical transport in the building – 2 lifts and 1 staircase. The hallways and the main hall allow for free movement within the building. There are 5 toilets in the building for persons with disabilities, one on each level.
3. There is a reception desk in the main hall, where you can obtain assistance and information.
4. There are 2 parking places for persons with disabilities near the building (one in the garage and another one at ul. Krupnicza).
5. The building is accessible for any person using an assistance dog.
6. The services of a Polish Sign Language interpreter are available at the Jagiellonian University between 7:30 AM- 3:30 PM. In order to ensure better comfort of the service provision, the Jagiellonian University Disability Support Service should be notified in advance about the need to provide such services. The service is free of charge.

Mobile applications

The Jagiellonian University shall make the following mobile applications available:

Dorada android

Dorada iOS